Strength in teamwork

Everyone at Versilia is a multitasker

We have a strong core team of dedicated and talented individuals, who use their unique skills and understanding of retail to improve the inflight offering of all our customers.

En Versilia, trabajando junto a nuestros clientes y reconociendo sus singularidades, he desarrollado una solución de BI a medida de cada uno de ellos con el fin de comprender las tendencias que impulsan las decisiones de retail y operacionales para, en última instancia, mejorar tanto la rentabilidad como la experiencia del cliente. Trabajando con el equipo de operaciones en Chile, construí el análisis de datos que nos ha permitido reducir nuestros costos de carga al optimizar significativamente la cantidad de "toques" semanales por aeronave. 

Fernando Alberto, Commercial Analyst

L-esperjenza ma’ Versilia għenitni nitgħallem izjed fuq id-dinja kummerċjali ta’ l-avjazzjoni, kemm fuq livell nazzjonali kif ukoll internazzjonali. Fl-opinjoni tiegħi, naħdem mal-aqwa tim f’dan il-qasam u kburi ħafna li jien nifforma parti minnhu. Għandi l-opportunità li nivvjaġġa u naħdem f'destinazzjonijiet differenti, u nikkontribwixxi għal-linja tal-ajru nazzjonali ta’ pajjizi. Jien u t-tim tal-linja ta’ l-ajru, naħdmu id f’id biex noffru l-aħjar servizz possibbli lill-passiġġieri tagħna, u niddisinjaw menu u katalgu mimli b’varjetà ta' għażliet attraenti abbord. 

Owen Calleja, Retail Account Manager

Each Versilia team member has their responsibilities, as in any well-run organisation, but client needs come before anything else and, when required, all staff – including the leadership team – will adopt a hands-on approach to ensure that every customer project is implemented smoothly, effectively and on time.

This is an atypical approach to inflight services and has been adopted positively by the entire team.

What makes us different

Meet the team

I started working at Versilia as a Stock Co Ordinator, maintaining accurate and timely stock information, and completing regular analysis to advise the Company on current and future stock requirements. I completed my CIMA qualification in January of 2019 and was given responsibility for the financial reporting for two European Accounts, before being promoted to Finance Manager. 

Alexandra Castledine, Finance Manager

A minha experiência em Sourcing e Procurement no comércio de grandes superfícies deu-me uma estrutura de trabalho que eu julgava ser adaptável a qualquer ambiente de negócio a retalho. Mas a 10000 metros de altitude utilizamos todos os mecanismos usados no comércio de grandes superfícies e mais ainda, uma vez que o negócio de retalho a bordo estica os limites da criatividade a um novo nível. 

Joao Lopes, Trading Manager

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Registered office: 1 Rushmills, Northampton, NN4 7YB UK. UK Reg. No. 10107963
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